


Jurassic World Dominion《侏罗纪世界3》


Jurassic World Dominion is the final film in the second trilogy of dino-movies — and it's the first one which really deserves to be called "Jurassic World" rather than "Jurassic Park". Yes, prehistoric monsters are out and about in the wild this time around, rather than being stuck in a theme park.

▲ 图源:豆瓣

该片导演科林·特莱沃若(Colin Trevorrow)告诉粉丝网站“侏罗纪前哨”说:


"The world I get excited about is the one where a dinosaur might run out in front of your car on a foggy backroad, or invade your campground looking for food." 


"A world where dinosaur interaction is unlikely but possible — the same way we watch out for bears or sharks." 

▲ 图源:豆瓣

更让人兴奋的是,第一部侏罗纪电影的(人类)主演在新片中重新聚在了一起,你将看到山姆·尼尔(Sam Neill)、劳拉·邓恩(Sam Neill)和杰夫·高布伦(Jeff Goldblum)教克里斯·帕拉特(Chris Pratt)和布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德(Bryce Dallas Howard)躲避一头饥饿的霸王龙。

What's even more exciting is that the (human) stars from the first Jurassic film have reunited, so Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum will be teaching Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard how to dodge a hungry T-Rex.


Official Competition《主竞赛》

佩内洛普·克鲁兹(Penélope Cruz)和安东尼奥·班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)是几十年来西班牙电影界最耀眼的两个超级巨星,但是两人很少在荧幕上同框。在加斯顿·杜帕拉特(Gastón Duprat)和马里亚诺·寇恩(Mariano Cohn)导演的以电影业为主题的完美讽刺片《主竞赛》两人终于得以合作。

Penélope Cruz and Antonio Banderas have been two of Spanish cinema's most glamorous superstars for decades, and yet have only rarely acted on screen together. Now, once again, that wrong has been righted by Official Competition, a delicious movie-business satire written and directed by Gastón Duprat and Mariano Cohn.

▲ 图源:Media Pro Studio



Banderas is a vapid Hollywood action hero who is hired to star in it, and Oscar Martínez joins them as a snooty theatre veteran who grudgingly agrees to play Banderas's brother. The two men aren't keen on each other, and they're even less keen on the demanding director whose eccentric rehearsal methods border on torture.

▲ 图源:豆瓣


Brian And Charles《布赖恩和查尔斯》

《布赖恩和查尔斯》不是一部典型的科幻电影,而是一部低成本、低调的英国喜剧片,主演兼编剧大卫·厄尔(David Earl)是瑞奇·热维斯(Ricky Gervais)的情景喜剧的常客。

Not a typical science-fiction movie, Brian and Charles is a low-budget, low-key British comedy starring and co-written by David Earl, a regular in Ricky Gervais's sitcoms.

▲ 图源:Focus Features



Three days later, he has an artificially-intelligent, slightly annoying new friend (Chris Hayward, also the co-writer) that he names Charles.

《布赖恩和查尔斯》“是今年最可爱的电影,远胜过其他电影,” 科里·伍德鲁夫在《纳什维尔场景报》上写道


"It's like an Edgar Wright/Mighty Boosh project thrown into a cotton-candy machine, but also one of the most surprising films about being a parent, even when your son is a 7ft-tall robot who loves cabbages." 




After four Toy Story films, everyone's favourite space ranger action figure, Buzz Lightyear, gets to leave Woody and friends behind, and go off on an adventure on his own. Or so you might assume. In fact, the latest Pixar cartoon isn't about the toy.

▲ 图源:Disney/Pixar


The idea is that the Buzz in Toy Story was a piece of spin-off merchandising, and that this new film is the Hollywood blockbuster which inspired that merchandising in the first place — hence it's Chris Evans rather than Tim Allen who provides Buzz's voice. Confused? 


To make matters even more complicated, the film-makers have tried to give it the rough-and-ready look of the 1970s and 1980s sci-fi movies which were made before the advent of CGI.

▲ 图源:豆瓣

该片导演安格斯·麦克莱恩(Angus MacLane)告诉《帝国》杂志的詹姆斯·怀特(James White)说:


The film's director, Angus MacLane told James White at Empire: "For me, it was important to have that solid feel of the models and motion-control spaceships of movies of that era."







